Friday, March 18, 2011

G73JW Spindown problem


Sorry for opening new threat but i have a problem with my 73jw

I like this notebook and dont want to send it back so i hope to get help here.

My hard drives are spinning down and cousing freezes. After reading all threats about this in this forum i saw a few post but none of this solutions help for me.

I cant get my fw updated to sd24 (now sd22)

like allready here posted i stuck at the instalation with the boot iso cd.

other threat The NEW G73JW-3DE, INFO, Specs, and Pre-Ordering Available!

i have tried it like 100 times and nothing works for me.Maybe its a simple misstake im doing but cant find it.

Hope on some help

Reply 1 : G73JW Spindown problem

I just updated my drives last night on my G73SW. I assume the procedure is the same for the JW. Let me get the CD (you need to burn the ISO and run a command) to verify what I ran.

EDIT: Can't read the disk image listing in DOS without booting it which I am too lazy to do. Anyways, the gist of it is when you get to the selection menu, hit ctrl+c to exit out.

Then type:



It should list a bunch of files. One will have the extension LOD, probably starting with an A. Find the name of that file and note it, then type in the following command:


FDL487A -m Anak -f   -i ST95005620AS -s -x -b -v -a 20

Replace the red bit with the filename you identified.

The reasoning behind this is explained here:

Reply 2 : G73JW Spindown problem

ya thats what you need to get you need to update the firmware

go to seagate theres a lot of info there

Reply 3 : G73JW Spindown problem

I just read the post that NaterGater referenced and you should sure give the command he lists a try. It pretty much forces the update and I don't see how it could fail if you do it that way.

I just bought one of these drives on Friday. I have a G73JH-X1 which came with one 500GB non-hybrid Seagate drive. I popped a shiny new Momentus XT hybrid in and cloned the existing one to it. Of course I already knew about the issues that are fixed with SD24 so I immediately upgraded to it.

I played several games so far and I can tell you it's a darn fast drive. No complaints from me. My system boots in half the time it used to take and it's an excellent performer as a mechanical drive. I've done some rudimentary testing by copying big files from the regular drive to the hybrid drive and then back to the regular drive. The hybrid drive is definitely faster. I think you'll be pleased with it if you can get it upgraded to SD24.

Reply 4 : G73JW Spindown problem

Maybe the XTs are timebombs.

Momentus XT hybrid drive causing headaches, Seagate working to fix -- Engadget

Reply 5 : G73JW Spindown problem

this was the code i had to use:

FDL487A -m Anak -f AT01AY.LOD -i ST95005620AS -s -x -b -v -a 20

ty for ur help

Reply 6 : G73JW Spindown problem

Just a fair word of warning to those thinking about flashing this firmware to the Momentus XT drives:

It did fix my lagging/stuttering problems while using Altium Design Summer '09, but it has also had a noticeable negative impact on battery life... on the order of around 20-25% decrease. It seems Seagate still has some kinks to work out though, so maybe things will improve somewhat from here.

Reply 7 : G73JW Spindown problem

At least seagate has fessed up to the problem, and is working on it.

Reply 8 : G73JW Spindown problem

Please help I can not get the updating of the Seagate Momentus XT - populrny hosting sborov a obrzkov

mission complet!

right to be: FDL487A -m Anak -f AT01AY.LOD -i ST95005620AS -s -x -b -v and IDE mode in BIOS

Reply 9 : G73JW Spindown problem

Yes, I had to switch from AHCI mode to IDE mode in the bios as well. Glad you got yours flashed.

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